ELEEK Offers Recycled Metal Tiles and Sinks

ELEEK Inc. has been manufacturing cast-metal tiles and sinks made from recycled aluminum and bronze since 2000. The aluminum tiles are 100 percent recycled and include a minimum of 70 percent post-consumer content while the bronze tiles are at least 90 percent recycled with half of the recycled material coming from post-consumer material. The tiles are smooth and solid with softly speckled appearance much like that of river rock, reports the company. The tiles are 5/16 in. thick and available in five standard sizes: 2 in. by 2 in., 4 in. by 4 in., 6 in. by 6 in., 4 in. by 8 in. and 12 3/4 in. by 17 3/8 in. The tiles can be used in both interior and exterior applications but are not recommended for temperatures below freezing or above 120° F.
ELEEK cast-metal sinks are also available in 100 percent recycled aluminum and 90 percent recycled bronze. However, the bronze sinks can be finished with optional Artist Patinas. They are available in six designs: Farmhouse, Waterfalling (pictured), Elipse, Bowtie, Kidney and Zazen.
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