Category: Eco-friendly Surfacing News

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USGBC Announces 2016 Leadership Awards

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced the recipients of its 2016 Leadership Awards, an annual recognition of the outstanding individuals and organizations at the forefront of the green building movement. The recipients will be honored at the USGBC Leadership Awards Luncheon at the Greenbuild International...

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GBCI Announces 2016 LEED Fellows

“LEED Fellow” designates the most exceptional professionals in the green building industry, and it is the most prestigious designation awarded by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI). The organization announced its 2016 class of LEED Fellows and this year’s 24 LEED Fellows exemplify a diverse array of...

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GreenBuild Seeks Volunteers

The GreenBuild International Conference and Expo, set to take place in Los Angeles October 5 to 7, 2016, is seeking volunteers to help with organizing and staffing the event. Volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years old and a full time student or a young...

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USGBC Seeks Votes for Volunteer IMPACT! Award

The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Malcolm Lewis Volunteer IMPACT! Award recognizes a high-impact, volunteer-driven project or initiative. The award honors Malcolm Lewis, Ph.D., the founder of Constructive Technologies Group, who served on USGBC’s board and chaired its Technical and Scientific Advisory Committee. Drawn to high-performance...

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US Open Goes Sustainable

In our search for all things green, recycled and sustainable, we came across this interesting post about the U.S. Open on Vetrazzo’s blog. The U.S. Open organization and the United States Tennis Association have been diligently working to lessen the environmental impact of the event. With initiatives...

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MIA+BSI Announces New CEU Class on Certified Stone

MIA+BSI The Natural Stone Institute announced a new CEU course, “Certified Stone: How the Natural Stone Sustainability Standard Can Assist Green Building Projects,” has been added to the MIA+BSI CEU program. The course was authored by Kathy Spanier (Coldspring). The course highlights how the natural dimension stone...

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Vetrazzo Introduces Sea Pearl Finish

Vetrazzo introduced Sea Pearl Finish for recycled glass surfacing. The company states that thanks to an innovation in finishing, crushed glass slabs are adding a tactile dimension to kitchen and bath design. A member of the Vetrazzo team became inspired by the textures of natural stone...

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SpecSimple Launches Save A Sample! In Canada

Save A Sample! takes place each year throughout the United States. This year Save A Sample! expands its sustainable mission to Canada.  “We’re going global!” reveals Suzanne Swift, Save A Sample!’s Founder and President of “This fall, Canadian designers will have the opportunity to donate...

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U.S. Green Building Council LA Introduces BuildSMART

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) Los Angeles introduced BuildSMART – the Sustainable Materials and Resources Trailer. BuildSMART provides education on sustainable building by demonstrating applied sustainable building techniques and illustrating their benefits. The trailer is a mobile learning resource that demonstrates a healthy, sustainable living and working...