MGBCE Announces Keynote Speakers


The 16th Annual Municipal Green Building Conference and Expo (MGBCE), an event focused on making an environmentally-friendly impact on Southern California will be held on April 20 at the SoCalGas Energy Resource Center in Downey, Calif.
The 2017 MGBCE theme is Connected Cities: Economic, Environmental, and Equity Solutions. Across the Southern California region, the top ten trending topics in cities include (in descending order): Health; technology & data; diversity & inclusion; energy & environment; housing; education; infrastructure; budgets; public safety; and economic development.

Antwi Atom Co-Founder & CEO Streetwyze

Antwi Atom
Co-Founder & CEO Streetwyze

The conference begins with a free session featuring keynote speaker, Antwi Atom, Co-Founder and CEO of Streetwyze. Check-in begins at 7:00 a.m. with a continental breakfast provided. The event is scheduled to go from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Eric Corey Freed Chief Community Officer EcoDistricts

Eric Corey Freed Chief Community Officer EcoDistricts

From 4:30 to 6 p.m. the MGBCE 2017 Mixer will take place, featuring keynote speaker Eric Corey Freed, Chief Community Officer at EcoDistricts. The focus of the presentation will be “The Power of Exponential Thinking: Creating the XPRIZE for Healthy Buildings”
How we can harness the cutting edge science to literally grow buildings that absorb VOCs and CO2, heal themselves and adapt to their surroundings will be discussed. Hear from a LEED Fellow on a new innovation that will transform our industry.
In 2016, the XPRIZE Foundation set out to establish a “moonshot” for construction by creating the XPRIZE for Healthy Buildings. How the team approached this unique opportunity to develop a way to (literally) grow buildings by fusing synthetic biology, genomics, parametric modeling and 3D printing to create a disruption and paradigm shift will be a highlight of the evening.

You may also be interested in this article about how the Trump Administration could set back green building.

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